Child Watch

Morning Hours: | Monday-Friday 9:15am-11:15am
Evening Hours: | Monday-Thursday 5:30pm-8:00pm
Members: FREE service for 2 hour maximum stay Non-Members: $2 per hour 1st child, $1 per hour 2nd child. Limit to 13 children at a time.
This supervised program by qualified Y staff will allow you to enjoy the Y while your child is in a safe and fun environment. Please collect an identity wristband at the Front Desk before signing your child in. Please discuss your child's needs with our staff.
Please keep ill children home. Children with runny noses, cough, flu symptoms, a rash, drainage from the eyes, vomiting, diarrhea, or fever will not be permitted in Child Watch or Zone. Child Watch and Zone Staff reserve the right to use their discretion regarding participation. If your child is too sick to attend school or other activities, they are not to attend the Child Watch.
Staff will not administer medications in the Child Watch and or Zone programs. An exception would be the administering of a medication for life-threatening reactions, such as allergies to peanuts. In this case, parents should train staff on duty to administer the appropriate medication. Please see a YMCA supervisor for procedures.
- No snacks and drinks, other than water, may not be brought into Childwatch/Zone. Water may stay in a cubby if a drink is needed.
- Drinks must have a spill proof lid as well as labeled with child’s name.
- For infants staff will supervise bottle-feeding.
- Please do not bring toys, money, small objects or other items from home. We provide fun, safe, and age appropriate toys for all ages. If the toy is a needed comfort item please label it and take special care to remember it when you leave. Electronics are strongly discouraged.
- We are not responsible for lost, stolen, or broken belongings.
- Blankets and pacifiers are welcome.
The very word “discipline” means to teach or gently guide. Staff will teach the child a positive way to handle conflicts and problems that arise. The methods used will in no way be demeaning, threatening, or make the child feel inferior or humiliated.
- Techniques used will be:
- Redirect the child’s behavior.
- Removal from the specific activity
- Removal from Child Watch
- Serious Behavior Problems
- No child will be allowed to continue in the program that becomes a safety hazard to him/herself or others
- From time to time children will participate in behaviors that warrant immediate removal from the Child Watch program. Behaviors include (but are not limited to): biting, spitting, 3 time outs on a given day, hitting a teacher, or refusal to go to time out. If a parent is called, an Incident report will be filled out to document the behavior. If a child receives three Incident reports to documents a behavior, a parent conference is required which may result in a 30 day suspension from the program.
At the Grant County Family YMCA we want all children to enjoy their experience in Childwatch/Zone. However, it can be traumatic for some to leave their parent/guardian. We will do all we can to soothe your child.
Staff will continue to work hard to comfort children should they cry or appear upset. However, if we are unable to soothe your child/children after 10 minutes, a staff member will come get the parent/guardian.
- Due to insurance recommendations, our YMCA staff are not permitted to change diapers, assisted in using the restroom, or with changing clothes under our care.
- If a child has an accident or dirties a diaper, a YMCA staff member will come get the parent/guardian to assist their child. Parents will be asked to assist with the bathroom and or diaper functions or changing clothes, and an additional 10 minutes will be added onto the 2 hour allotted time in Childwatch/Zone.
- If a child is in the process of toilet training please notify the Childwatch staff; the staff will do their best to remind your child to use the restroom on a regular basis.
Contact CJ Anstead if you have any questions.